Can acupuncture help with fertility and pregnancy?

Acupuncture offers a holistic healthcare option for fertility and pregnancy-related concerns as we help the body address potential underlying imbalances. Through the gentle insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body, acupuncture stimulates the body to promote hormonal balance, improve blood circulation to reproductive organs, and reduce stress levels. These techniques may enhance ovarian function, optimize egg quality, and increase the likelihood of conception.

Throughout pregnancy, acupuncture treatments additionally offer a safe and natural way to potentially alleviate common discomforts such as nausea, fatigue, and back pain. Research suggests this is done by fostering relaxation and promoting optimal fetal positioning as acupuncture helps prepare the body for a smoother labor and delivery experience.

Best of all this can be carried out in addition to any other therapies or treatments currently being used such as IVF to help prepare the body in the best way possible!

If you have any other questions or are ready to book in for your appointments please feel free to reach out and contact us.